Here are some examples of projects that Marcello has carried out since he started his adventure as an independent consultant
Disclaimer: Figures are from publications and they are not related to the specific projects
NW Australia field appraisal
Independent Australian operator
Long-term project
Appraisal phase
Lower Paleozoic fractured dolomite reservoir
3D seismic, seismic inversion volume, well logs (petrophysical, image logs, etc.), analogs, exploration-well report, petrographic report
In an appraisal-phase gas/oil field, located in an under-explored area in NW Australia, 3D seismic data were integrated with all available data coming from an exploration-well report and log data (a special focus was put on resistivity-image logs). These data were also combined with the analysis of previous studies, reports and data from nearby fields, worldwide analogs and published literature.
The integration of state-of-the-art data, such as numerous reports on the exploration well recently drilled in the area, recently-shot 3D seismic data and extremely useful information obtained by the cutting-edge processing of a seismic inversion volume provided by the client, brought to better than expected results:
A depositional/diagenetic conceptual forward model was performed
Lithological (dolostone vs limestone) and porosity/fracture distributions were mapped, with a good degree of confidence, thanks to the seismic inversion results and seismic attribute analysis
A qualitative to semiquantitative reservoir model was created
One depositional play and one diagenetic play were defined and mapped
Reservoir parameters from worldwide analogs from six producing fields were provided to the client
A new perspective structure was recognized and mapped
A new location for a second well was suggested
Kurdistan field development
Middle East operator
Long-term project
Development phase
Jurassic carbonate reservoir
3D/2D seismic data, well logs (petrophysical, lithologs) and previous reports from studied fields and nearby fields, literature, worldwide analogs
A Jurassic carbonate (calcareous and dolomitic) system was assessed in a field in the Iraqi Kurdistan region. The field is in a development phase, with good quality 3D seismic data and a number of wells already drilled in the area. Also, some preliminary exploration was carried out for the client in the surrounding area through 2D lines.
Main deliveries were:
Previous internal assessment results were examined and modified where needed
A new depositional and diagenetic model was applied
Through the integration of 3D (and some 2D) seismic and well data, the carbonate platform was subdivided into internal depositional sequences
Lithostratigraphic and reservoir tops were refined or shifted.
Specialist assistance in a new reservoir unit mapping was provided.
New inputs were provided and the original static reservoir model was refined
New, undiscovered potential carbonate plays were spotted, described, preliminary mapped and characterized through the study of regional analogs
The seismic stratigraphic interpretation of the carbonate system was extended around the study area. Several composite dip-lines from different 2D surveys were built and a basic characterization of the carbonate platform at a larger scale was performed, including sedimentary evolution, geometric trends and spotting of potential depositional/diagenetic plays.
North Africa exploration project
Large-size Canadian operator
Long-term project
Early exploration phase
Tertiary carbonate targets
3D seismic, well logs and analogs
Extensive and continuous collaboration with the operator’s regional exploration team
An extensive investigation of an underexplored basin was carried out and several Cenozoic carbonate prospects were recognized, mapped and characterized through the integration of 3D seismic, petrophysical logs, vintage well reports and producing analogs
Seismic facies were calibrated through the few wells available and a reliable geologic model was built
Furthermore, a forward depositional model was created, inferring and describing the sedimentation process in time of reservoir and seal rocks
Finally, through the selection and study of nearby and worldwide analogs, along with a focused seismic attribute analysis, reservoir and seal quality and distribution were determined and risked
Full assistance was provided to the client during internal peer reviews focusing both on prospect evaluation and reservoir/seal risk definition.
Middle East Thin section study and reservoir characterization
Middle East operator
Cretaceous reservoir
Petrographic/sedimentological description
Diagenetic evolution reconstruction
Reservoir parameter estimation
Although I usually work at an exploration to development scale, I think that having some background in reservoir characterization is quite important because, at the end of the day, a reservoir is one of the key elements that we look for when we are exploring/developing.
125 thin sections of Mesozoic and Paleozoic carbonate reservoirs coming from a producing field in the Middle East were analyzed and the following products were delivered:
Petrographic description
Diagenetic products and processes
Pore system and reservoir quality
Knowlah project
E-learning training platform for O&G professionals
I was honored to be chosen by Badley Ashton as the provider of the training course on seismic interpretation of carbonates within the Knowlah project.
This is a synthetic, one-day version of my official course, which was recorded as an audio powerpoint presentation and loaded on the Knowlah e-learning training platform, along with courses of other E&P disciplines.
Training in the Southeast
Thai national O&G company PTTEP
3 day training course
Internal case studies of exploration and development of carbonate fields
I have really enjoyed teaching my course “Seismic interpretation of carbonates applied to HC exploration and development” to PTTEP. It was a 3 day live remote training, split into 6 sessions for time zone reasons, which also included a very interactive final session in which several internal exploration and development projects involving carbonates were analyzed and discussed. I have to thank the Knowlah team for putting me in touch with the client and for assisting with the course logistics.